The act of dedicating a palm tree is an original ritual that has been carried out all throughout the history of the orchard without fail.
According to the custom, the person deserving of such a distinction should be a prominent figure, with proven human quality, that has carried out an important act of generosity for the good of Elche, Spain or Humanity.
The character remains linked with his palm tree for life, making him owner of its fruits, which are sent to him in harvest season. The death of the character or the palm tree breaks the link.
During the ceremony, the owner of the orchard presents the candidate with his distinction at the foot of his palm tree, justifying why he deserves it. The guest of honour responds accepting the agreement and he washes down the trunk of the palm tree with wine. After completing the ceremony he places the sign on the palm tree.
Below is the relationship of some of the palm trees with dedications in the orchard since 1900, with the name of its characters and the date of the dedication:
- Camilo Flammarion, 29 May 1900
- Joaquín Dicenta, 30 May 1900
- José Canalejas, 20 April 1903
- Alfonso XIII, Rey de España, 14 de April 1905
- Victoria Eugenia, Reina de España, 16 March 1912
- Eduardo Dato, 11 September 1919
- General Primo de Rivera, 6 October 1921
- Juan de la Cierva, 25 August 1922
- Cristalina (Hnos. Álvarez Quintero), 6 January 1923
- José Sánchez Guerra, 14 April de 1923
- Óscar Esplá, 13 August 1927
- Eduardo Zamacois, April 1928
- General Riquelme, 16 August 1928
- Wenceslao Fernández Flórez, 13 de December 1928
- Mario Roso de Luna, 15 December 1928
- Federico García Sanchiz, 20 April 1930
- José María Sert, 14 August 1930
- Ángel Ossorio, 18 December 1931
- Julián Besteiro, 2 January 1932
- Niceto Alcalá Zamora, 16 January 1932
- Miguel de Unamuno, 16 April 1932
- Inda.lecio Prieto, 23 January 1933
- Eugenio D’Ors, 14 August 1940
- Manuel Benedito, 15 August 1940
- José Capuz, 16 August 1940
- Conrado del Campo, 30 December 1940
- Almirante Bastarreche, 13 August 1942
- Agustín de Foxá, 16 August 1945
- José Cubiles, 16 August 1946
- Carlos Jiménez Díaz, 21 October 1950
- José María Pemán, 15 November 1950
- Gregorio Marañón, 30 June 1952
- Marqués de Lozoya, 13 August 1952
- Duque de Alba, 14 August 1953
- Humberto II de Italia, 15 August 1953
- Alonso Vega, 14 April 1954
- Federico Sopeña, 14 August 1954
- Estados Unidos de America,13 December 1954
- Suiza, 13 December 1954
- Fermín Sanz Orrio, 15 August 1957
- José Ibáñez Martín, 15 August 1957
- Otto de Austria-Hungría, 13 June 1957
- Carmen Polo de Franco, 31 October 1960
- Cardenal Larraona, 14 August 1961
- José Lora Tamayo, 14 August 1964
- Teniente General Lacalle, 21 May 1967
- Arturo Rubinstein, 15 April 1972
- Gonzalo Fernández de la Mora, 1 November 1972
- Pedro Zaragoza Orts, 15 April 1973
- Tío Paco (Francisco Sánchez Orts), 20 August 1968
- Juan Carlos I, Rey de España, 3 December 1976
- Sofía, Reina de España, 3 December 1976
- Santiago Grisolía, 17 June 1979
- Severo Ochoa, 3 October 1989
- Tribunal de las Aguas de Valencia, 30 October 1996
- International Palm Society, 2002